650 South Federal Highway | Dania Beach, Florida 33004 | Phone: 954.923.8660 | Fax: 954.927.5203 | info@lighthousecc.org


The Lighthouse story is a good reflection of who we are as a community. We were birthed out of a
the unique merger between an independent young non-denominational fellowship and an established
traditional denominational church, both who shared a common mission but with distinctly different

We realized that by uniting we could be far more effective and meaningful to our community. So the
members and leaders agreed unanimously to lay down their personal preferences, positions, traditions,
titles and even church names – something nearly unheard of in church circles. We started from scratch
and the two senior pastors, motivated by their love for God and community, set the example by
surrendering their senior positions and opting instead for shared authority.

Not only has that merger stood strong since 2002, we have grown beyond our dreams and been the
much-needed sanctuary, trauma unit, and family for hundreds, if not thousands, who have passed
through these doors. At Lighthouse, genuine devoted love for God and love for others is our ultimate
goal. Please come and see for yourself.
