About Our Church
Our mission at Lighthouse is to bring people into restored relationship with God and His Son
Jesus, to help you grow to be all God intended you to be, and then commission you to use your
God-given gifts, skills, and experiences to fulfill God’s purpose in your life.
We welcome people from all walks of life. Whatever your circumstances – no matter where
you’ve been or what you’ve done, you matter to God. Lighthouse is a place where it’s okay not
to be okay. You don’t have to pretend you have it all together. God’s more interested in
progress than perfection. Through His grace, healing can be found, addictions can be overcome,
forgiveness can be experienced, marriages can be restored, and lives can be changed. Just
come as you are and God will meet you there, but He won’t leave you there. Life change is
Lighthouse is a non-denominational Christian church governed by its own pastors/elders and
not an outside organization. We welcome guests from all faith traditions to come check us out.
Welcome to Lighthouse. Welcome, Home!